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  • Writer's pictureThe Whimsical Arcane


Updated: Oct 1, 2020

2019 Decks I'm Excited To Get My Hands On

I've been telling people (fellow Filipinos and Filipinas who are also into Tarot reading and cartomancy) that I tend to acquire / buy my decks overseas (online) primarily because we have very limited resources here. It could be quite frustrating actually due to the fact that I have to wait 1-3 gruelling months to get it shipped - not to mention the *le sigh* shipping fees and customs taxes that I have to go through. *le sigh again*

Here is a list of (some not yet released and some I'm working on to have a budget - lol) decks that I'm excited to get my hands on hopefully this 2019.

1. True Black Tarot by Arthur Wang - I've mentioned this deck last year and still awaiting its arrival feverishly. ETA has been moved since there was a typo on one of the cards and the reprinting has been rescheduled.

​UPDATE: Finally received my True Black Tarot! Check here for the review.

2. Chris Anne's Light Seer's Tarot & Tarot of the Muse Decks - I've mentioned this deck last year and still awaiting its arrival. Chris-Anne is working on it and posting updates religiously on her Instagram which is why I'm getting excited even more.

Photos seen above are compiled. Photo Credit: Chris-Anne

3. Fairy Tale Tarot by Yoshi Yoshitani - I've mentioned this deck last year and still awaiting its arrival feverishly. To get things done faster, let's support Yoshi on Patreon.

Photo Credit: Yoshi Yoshitani

4. The Dreamers Arcana - I know that it's a Major Arcana only deck but dang I love the artwork! 

This year's deck are same with my wishlist last year because I still haven't received them. Are you looking to buy any of these too? What's on your shopping list?

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