Support Local Indie Deck Creators
If you enjoyed my previous posts: Tarot Decks Made by Filipinos and Oracle Decks Made by Filipinos, you'll enjoy this list. There are only a few Lenormand readers in the Philippines (as of this writing) and I am just so happy that we finally have Filipino creators (aside from myself) who made a Lenormand deck!
Here are some Filipino Made Decks you should check out:
Midnight Madness Lenormand is the second deck in the Midnight Madness Deck Series that brings new perspective in the Lenormand system with ethereal and timeless symbols in winter hues and gender neutral cards.
Based on the Lenormand system, these 40 cards are printed on (300 gsm) card stock with smooth dark matte finish and housed in a box with base and lid.​ Get your copies here.
Images taken from @thewhimsicalarcane's Instagram profile.
2. PAGASA LENORMAND by Kevin Dones Kevin has been a Lenormand nerd since 2018 and it is no surprise that he created a Lenormand deck so he can share his passion for this system to all. I like that Kevin honoured his mother country and bridging our culture with a very western cartomancy system. This is probably the first Filipino-themed Lenormand deck. I like that Kevin's love for Lenormand inspires fellow Filipinos to explore and learn this cartomancy system. You can get a copy here and here (international).
Photos by @reinaxregina, taken from @arcanesenses Instagram profile.
Romulus Edition: I specifically picked vivid colours for Romulus. My intentions in giving colours for this deck is simple: for the user to radiate their inner light.
Remus Edition: There are three variations for this deck, three shades and I have a reason for it which is currently a secret. Remus edition is an alter ego of the original deck Romulus. This emphasizes boldness and unrestrained potentials, a character that doesn’t please anyone. My intentions in creating this deck is for the user to protect their own energies.
You can purchase the deck here.
Images and deck descriptions from @convearth's
Woot! Woot! My happiness soars as I see more and more Filipinos join the magic community!
If you know other Lenormand Decks made by Filipinos that are not listed here, please contact me so I can include it in this list.
P.S. Can't get enough of Filipino indie deck creators? Check this Oracle Decks Made By Filipinos here and Tarot Decks Made by Filipinos here.
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