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Updated: Oct 8, 2020

Tarot Decks For Tarot Newbies

Choosing your first Tarot deck or a beginner Tarot deck can be tricky. You may want to rely on your intuition on this one. However, if you are learning Tarot, here are my recos for Tarot newbies:

Llewellyn's Classic Tarot by Barbara Moore & Eugene Smith

If you are uncomfortable with the original RWS deck, the Llewelyn's Classic Tarot has improved imagery that makes it an easy-to-use deck for beginners.

Where To Get: Your local bookstore, Amazon, Book Depository

Radiant Rider Waite Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith

If you are uncomfortable with the original RWS deck, the Radiant Rider Waite Tarot has enhanced vibrant colours giving the deck that 'light' and welcoming feeling.

Where To Get: Your local bookstore, Amazon, Book Depository

Radiant Wise Spirt Tarot by Lo Scarabeo

Another RWS Tarot deck but without borders.

Where To Get: Amazon, Book Depository

The Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Deck by Pamela Colman Smith, printed by US Games Systems

Gotta have the classic tarot deck with 2 extra non-tarot artwork cards.

Where To Get: Amazon, Book Depository

>> Whimsical Musings:

Any deck that has Rider Waite Smith in the title is a good place to start. As a Tarot newbie, aside from your intuition, the symbology, numerology and colours used in each card plays an important role in learning the basics of this awesome card system.

Everyday Tarot Mini Tarot Deck by Biddy Tarot

Cute, clean and minimalist, Brigit's deck modernised the RWS. Read my deck review here.

Where To Get: Your local bookstore, Amazon, Book Depository

Morgan-Greer Tarot by Bill Greer and Lloyd Morgan

Morgan-Greer Tarot has a hippy vibe with its very saturated colours and large artwork. There are no borders which makes the entire artwork the focus on each card. Best for honing your intuition. Read my deck review here.

Where To Get: Amazon, Book Depository

Mystical Manga Tarot by Barbara Moore

Japanese manga style RWS tarot deck? Yes please! Read my deck review here.

Where To Get: Amazon, Book Depository

Vivid Journey Tarot by Jessica Alaire

Another vivid and saturated coloured deck that follows the RWS. This deck's friendly and lighthearted energies are recommended as a good starter deck for beginners. Read my deck review here.

Where To Get: Amazon, Book Depository

>>Whimsical Musings:

If you are looking for other tarot decks, you may view some of my deck reviews here.


As I've mentioned in the previous post, I am beyond relieved that Tarot is finally becoming accessible as opposed to 10 years ago where everything was scarce. However, it may be 'too accessible' now as there are a lot of fake tarot decks circulating. I implore you to do your research before buying your tarot decks and support your indie tarot deck creators by not buying from bootleggers. A bootleg is an item that is knocked off or pirated from the original source. Bootlegs usually have low quality prints, sometimes either bigger or smaller than the original deck. Remember by buying from bootleggers, you are buying from thieves. You get what you pay for.

Here's a list of where you can buy legit Tarot decks.

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